Solutions Details
Arecont Vision Solutions

180° and 360° panoramic cameras

Solutions for Education


Whether in a neighborhood school or across a large university campus, the surveillance needs of those in the education market are specific and acute. Arecont Vision understands the unique needs of education and provides megapixel technology to specifically meet those needs.


Solutions for Retail


In large department stores or the corner market, all retailers face increasing loss from shoppers and staff alike. Arecont Vision understands the unique needs of retailers and provides megapixel technology to specifically meet those needs.


Solutions for Municipal Surveillance


From the largest city to the most rural community, municipalities face the challenge of protecting citizens and property with limited resources. Arecont Vision understands the unique needs of municipalities and provides megapixel technology to specifically meet those needs.


Solutions for Healthcare


Preserving patient confidentiality, safeguarding prescription medications and protecting patients and highly-skilled staff are just three of the security needs faced by those in the healthcare industry. Arecont Vision understands the unique needs of this market and provides megapixel technology to specifically meet those needs.


Solutions For Manufacturing


The creation of goods presents a wide range of security challenges to protect and monitor staff and processes. Arecont Vision understands the unique needs of manufacturers and provides megapixel technology to specifically meet those needs.


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